What's the Best Way to Advertise? PRICE IT RIGHT!

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There's a great trick to use when you're fishing - you want to weigh your line just so that it floats a little below the surface of the water, and not so deep that drops below the area of the water that the fish just love to be in. Up toward the surface it's too warm, and the deeper the water, the colder it is. The fish like to be right in the middle, where the temperature is just right, and there's plenty of food.

Why are we talking about fishing? Because the attempt by fisherman to get their bait into the "sweet spot" and catch the fish, is the same idea as pricing your home correctly and attract buyers! Price it too high and it's "too hot" for buyers, price it too low, and they may think something is wrong and pass on your property. BUT - if you price your property at its accurate market value (in that "sweet spot"), you're more likely to attract buyers and great offers.

Pricing is so important that it accounts for 78% of the marketing tactics to get your home sold. Want to know more about how to price your home correctly? Watch my video, and let's meet to discuss the current value of your home and your local market.

Call or Text to 909-560-0145.